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Our animals

As an educational farm, we like to a keep range of different animals on-site to allow students to gain as many skills and experiences as possible during their time here. At present, we have:


We breed pedigree Golden Guernseys and Boers, for milk and meat. We sell youngstock and supply goat meat direct to customers, as well as to a local restaurant.


We buy in and rear lambs on the bottle each year. At weaning, they go out onto pasture and ultimately produce delicious grass-fed lamb for our meat boxes.


We rear different varieties of these, for both eggs and meat, buying in day-old chick to rear, or hatching ourselves.

The egg-layers enjoy a free-range life in our courtyard area. The meat birds are reared on pasture in "chicken tractors" which we move onto clean ground every day to ensure they always have clean ground with plenty of grass to eat and to forage for bugs in.


We are very proud of our outdoor herd of pedigree Large Black pigs. We sell piglets, breeding stock and free-range pork. We often take our pigs to local agricultural shows in order to raise awareness of this beautiful rare and native breed. All our pigs are kept outdoors all year round and were a firm favourite of walkers on the Grand Western Canal during the years that we were based in Halberton.

Guinea pigs

 These are our smallest friends and are great for a quiet cuddle, as well as providing an added species to learn about on our accredited animal care courses

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