Practical Countryside Skills

About the Practical Countryside Skills course
The Practical Countryside Skills course is available as an Award, Certificate or Diploma at Entry Level 3 and Level 1. It is a fantastic qualification, offering a huge choice of units from across a range of sectors including animal care, agriculture, horticulture, maintenance skills and land-management.
This allows us to build a bespoke course for individual students, based around their interests. The course's flexibility and the fact that there is an option to complete it in three different sizes, makes it a wonderfully versatile addition to our suite of qualifications.
Award - 10 credits - approximately 1 term
Certificate - 20 credits - approximately 2 terms
Diploma - 37 credits - approximately 3 terms
Just a few examples of the many units available:
Basic preparation and operation of a tractor
Use of a petrol cord strimmer
Maintain animal accommodation
Maintain metal surfaces
Maintenance of equipment
Monitoring livestock outdoors
Prepare ground for sowing/planting
Successful completion of a number of different units will provide enough credits to pass the course. Assessment is through a portfolio of evidence, including photos, videos, witness statements from staff and demonstration of relevant knowledge, which can be shown through whichever means best suits each individual learner - written work, spoken answers, a scribe, etc. The course is very practical and hands-on, with very little time required sitting down or holding a pen!